Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm a Baby Chef

Early in my pregnancy I saw an infommercial for the Baby Bullet. I was instantly intrigued. I had already thought about making my own baby food, and they made it look so easy. I began looking at different baby food processors. Of course anyone who knows me, knows I am terrible at making decisions. I will marinate on a decision as long as I can (menus are a thorn in my side). So when I was out for a girls night and my friend mentioned she bought the Baby Bullet for her sister and got a set free and I could buy the extra set, I jumped at the deal. A couple of months later I get my Baby Bullet. Of course Dylan was too young for real food, so I just had to wait.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity (and now feels like a second) Dylan was ready to start eating "solids" I bought the approved fruits and veggies and started making baby food. It was so easy! And the best part is I can make enough for the whole month and freeze it for later. Here are pictures of the process and the best result...a very happy baby!

My Baby Bullet
One sweet potato goes a long way
Avocado and banana
Cute serving containers
Food for almost a month
Going in fridge to thaw
Watching mommy cook for him
First taste of avocado (bib says feed me)
Dogs were really interested in the sweet potato
Notice the thumbs up :)
Maggie wanted a bite too
"Let me do it!"

I am so happy that I can provide such healthy food to my little guy. He is loving each new food. We are introducing a new one every 4 days. I can't wait to try more recipes as he gets older!

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