Yesterday we were hanging out at my sister's having a great time. Dylan was everywhere, greeting everyone, just loving his freedom. We spent most of our time pulling stuff out of his reach, but that's part of taking a mobile toddler anywhere. He loved all of the attention he was getting.
Now Dylan has unfortunately received his mommy's grace (or lack there of) and he falls A LOT! But he usually just picks himself up and keeps on trucking. Yesterday during one of his social laps Dylan bit the dust pretty hard and began crying. Someone noticed right away he had blood in his mouth. I quickly scooped him up and headed for the kitchen, Michael closely behind us. Michael got a wet paper towel and we put it in Dylan's mouth. We tried looking in his mouth and got a good enough look to see his lip was okay. The blood seemed to be coming from his teeth. I called the on-call doctor and was lucky that it was Dylan's doctor. She assured me he would be okay. She told us to try and apply pressure on it, but there was no way he was going to let us do that. We decided it had been a long day and we would just head home.
My sister lives downtown and Dylan started crying as soon as we put him in his car seat. He cried for a long time; we both knew he was tired and thought he'd fall asleep but he didn't. I had Michael stop at the first CVS he could find (which wasn't until Binford) and I ran in to get Tylenol for Dyl. I was hoping it would help with any pain. I noticed his mouth was still bleeding and insisted we stop at the MedCheck to make sure he was ok. As soon as we walked in they sent us to the Triage room and an RN came to check him out. With Michael and me holding Dylan's limbs still she pulled up his lip. Instantly we saw the problem...he had hurt the gums right above his top teeth. There was so much blood and it looked so bad I immediately started crying (I had really held it together and been calm up to then). I felt so helpless that my little guy was hurt and I couldn't do anything. The doctor came in and explained that Dylan was fine, it looked worse than it really was. He said a lot of blood can be a good sign because it's the body's way of fighting bacteria and stuff. He said Dylan will get hurt a lot...and since he's my kid I know he's right. So I need to prepare myself for more injuries and more blood!
Last night I rocked Dylan to sleep (to comfort both of us) and was just grateful he was ok. I know there will be blood and bumps and bruises along the road, but I hope he knows I will always be there to kiss every single one.
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