As March approached my belly just kept growing. Danger Awesome (as everyone knew him before his arrival) was due to arrive March 11, but as I got closer to this date I was more and more uncomfortable and was over being pregnant. Monday, February 28 I was having more pain than usual and could hardly walk as I walked my 6th graders down to the gym. I called my doctor and explained the pain and she insisted I come in as soon as possible. I spoke with my principal and explained that I would need to leave when my kids went to lunch. He okayed it and insisted someone else drive me. "What if you go into labor on the side of the road?" he asked. I conceded and a friend drove me (in my car) to the doctor's office and waited with me until Michael arrived.
The doctor believed I was having contractions and sent me to the hospital to be safe. We stopped home on the way to grab our suitcase and proceeded to the hospital. They checked us into triage and monitored the baby and me. They made me walk the halls for an hour (I couldn't even walk that long because of the pain) and rechecked us. They then concluded that I was having contractions at least every 5 minutes, but they weren't strong enough for me to deliver. Disappointed, we went home. My doctor decided I should start my leave right away because she was certain the baby was coming that week; and if he didn't come on his own they would induce Friday.
Tuesday was VERY boring as I laid around the house trying to find decent daytime TV. Looking back I can't believe I didn't watch my go-to-stay-home-sick movie, The Princess Bride. Wednesday I decided to clean the house. Michael (who had stayed at home with me this whole time...just in case) thought I was crazy, but I was hoping the movement would move things along. That night we had Mexican for dinner and walked around the mall by our house. I went to bed with no signs of an arrival.
Sharp pains woke me up around 2:30...they were worse than before. I had Michael time them; they were 5 minutes apart. But after our disappointment Monday I wasn't sure about going to the hospital. After an hour of timing them I decided I would go to the bathroom, come back and lay on the other side, and keep timing. If they continued we would go. It didn't come to that because my water broke in the bathroom. I called the doctor and we were off.
We arrived around 4:30 and after 2 hours in triage they checked us in; shorty after I got my epidural. (No way would I have made it without one!) My sister arrived after that, followed by my parents. The 5 of us just hung out all day...I kept taking little cat naps. Finally around 3 in the afternoon the nurse said I was 10 cm and we just had to wait for the doctor to arrive. I had a pretty easy delivery and even cracked jokes to my husband and sister. At 5:02 my beautiful boy made his debut. He was the most wonderful thing I had ever laid eyes on. I couldn't stop my tears from leaking. The hospital visit is a bit of a blur, but I do remember getting to finally take our bundle of joy home. And we have spent the last 6 months becoming a family. Dylan is the best thing to happen to far.
My sweet boy |
Love at first sight |
First family photo |
So curious |
My smiley boy |
6 month picture |
Nicely written - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos on facebook!